Monday, November 17, 2008

Console Gaming

So ok, I bought a PS2 SPCH 5000 model (FAT one since I plan to put in a HDD on it) last Saturday from my fave site for only 4k++. Good deal since the seller was luckily a batchmate of mine in High School and lived a few blocks away from my house. So I got a good deal on some extra controllers , nice warranty and he threw in a few games for me.

I played PS2 games on my "younger" years but mostly with friends since I don't own one. Now that my kids are growing, I bought one for them and *ehem* for me as well. It's a battle for NDSLite and PS2, but I guess PS2 has more titles to choose from right now so I opted for PS2 and maybe buy NDSLite this Christmas.

Now I can finally play GOW 1 and 2 and FFX to XII during weeknights and weekends. So my PSP will be temporarily parked until Final Fantasy Dissidia is released for PSP this December.

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