Just added a webcounter today from
I saw this counter from
Shinta's URL, and it looked nice, so I signed up for their free service.
I am now trying to master
Macromedia Dreamweaver. I've done all my past sites in MS Notepad, and since then I got used to coding sites the h-a-r-d way. I'm planning to do more web graphic designing to enhace my "artistic" skills, (if I have one ^_~), he he he.
I'm really inspired by the people behind
Half-Project, such great talent in web design which I am most envious of ^_^. Also from the people who make up
Philweavers , which also I am a member of ^_^. I *wish* I can be that good. These graphic designing is really a new avenue for me since I came first from Software Programming to
Virus writting ,then web designing to Computer hardware, now graphic designing. I try took read some tutorials from
Insectivore.org, whenever I have time and I'm online.
Ahhhh the web, like it, love it, *almost* can't live without it.